
Belt Lipectomy

(Lower Body Lift)
A belt lipectomy (lower body lift or torsoplasty) may be recommended by Dr. Fater to remove circumferential fat and skin excess. This is commonly done following considerable weight loss by the patient resulting in profound truncal skin and fat ptosis (droopiness). This procedure is a posterior extension of the abdominoplasty procedure. A lateral thigh and buttock lift is often a result of a belt lipectomy. This is performed under general anesthesia at Cape Cod Hospital and requires a one or two day hospital stay.
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Smart Liposuction TriPlex

Smartlipo is a laser assisted liposuction technique which in addition to melting fat prior to its removal with liposuction, can also tighten skin overlying the treatment area. Like regular liposuction, this is accomplished under sedation with the addition of local anesthesia in our accredited private in-office surgical suite.